The Future Generation

Granot Center’s future generation unit deals with the education of youths, in all relevant aspects.

First and foremost we are committed to developing values among the young teenagers, and to broadening and deepening the value of giving in its many shades. Educating for giving means wanting to volunteer, wanting to contribute and to influence, it means giving something of yourself to the other. The giving we are going for is not minimized to a sector, a population group or a community of some kind, but giving to the other as a significant act, which gives satisfaction for both giver and receiver.

דור העתיד

The activity of Granot Center’s future generation unit includes organizing and initiating organized volunteer days, in the framework of which we send groups of teenagers, accompanied by the center’s guides and professionals, to volunteer activities for children, for the needy and for old people all over the country. Volunteer days include organized arrival at hospitals and activity in the hospital in cooperation and in accordance with the medical team, going to old people’s homes in order to do some renovation work, paint the house etc., helping organizations and centers for people with disabilities and many other activities. Volunteer days have a great influence on the youths, in aspects of both educating and setting values, and in terms of creating a window opportunity for future activity between the youths and connecting with the community the live in.

Apart from the continuous activity and organizing periodical volunteer days, a special department in the unit is responsible for creating and producing special audio-video workshops intended for both parents and teenagers, with the aim of increasing the cooperation, parental involvement in their children’s education and overcoming the difficulties accompanying the teenage years. Creation of the video workshops is also done with guidance and with the professional accompaniment of the center, while listening to the youths’ needs and creating a connection between the generations. Many parents report that the workshops held by the center help them a great deal in creating appropriate communication with their teenage children, and help them overcome difficulties in educating the growing youths.

Granot Center’s future generation unit deals with creation and volunteering among the teenagers, with the guidance, accompaniment and support of professionals and professional apprenticeship of the youngsters, each according to their own way, out of a feeling of mission and an emphasis on the importance of the value of giving as a tool for looking at the future and active work for the community.

Many parents report that the workshops held by the center help them a great deal in creating appropriate communication with their teenage children