Therapists Training

The unit of therapists training in Granot center was established especially in order to qualify professionals to assist, take care, support and promote various population in the community. Therapists training is conducted by the unit in the center and includes special workshops given by professionals from the fields of psychology, Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences and is meant to deal and understand many shades and components of the human motive for behavior, whether it is physical or verbal behavior. The therapists’ training is comprehensive and takes a long period of time, at the end of which we qualify the professionals who accompany the center and its fields of activity, assist in the organization and in various initiatives for the benefit of the community and in actually performing them using a broader perspective and the required therapeutic aspects.

הכשרת מטפלים

The Therapists’ Training Unit’s goal is to create as broader spectrum of therapists as possible, from all types and shades of the Israeli Society, in order to answer the needs and problems of different population groups who need it. The Therapists’ Training Unit’s activity is combined with the center’s other fields of activity, as trainers during training are integrated in the organization’s fields of activity as trainers, instructors, activities’ organizers and in charge of volunteers groups.

The goal in establishing the Granot Center’s Therapists’ Training Unit is to keep on developing the organization’s vision, including development of social responsibility in all layers of community, promoting different groups while improving the quality of communication and social discourse, mediating conflicts and conflict resolution in amenity and without violence. Therapists’ training in the center is performed while broadly over viewing the aspiration to develop and promote and healthier and more tolerant society in Israel.

Training of therapeutic professionals is combined with the center’s general activity and is at the heart of the organization’s activity, and it is meant to aid in providing national level solutions to all the ones who need them, regardless of social class, religion, race or sex. After the training we send therapists to activities all across the country, in coordination with the activities of other units in the center. The Therapists’ Training Unit is a central and significant unit in Granot Center and we put great resources and efforts promoting and training the best and most designated therapists. The value of giving is found at the basis of therapists’ training, which is the very heart of the social activity which we promote in Granot Center.

Training therapists to engage in mediating conflicts and conflict resolution in amenity and without violence, and assisting in providing solutions at a national level to all who need it