Cooperation is the beginning of everything. Simply think about your body and you will realize what cooperation is: every organ and cell function together, each has its own special part, and each for the same purpose – enabling your body to function normally. None of your part is operating for its own sake, and cannot operate for itself, and no part in your body is meaningful or significant without its job towards your body as a whole.
We are all connected in order to keep the world safe
We are all connected in order to enrich the world
We are all connected in order to ensure the continuance of this world.
And even if you would like to think you are operating for your own personal favor, anything you have ever done, big or small, serves the world in some way, directly or indirectly.
Same thing with every one of us. You are cooperating with every person in the world without knowing it, to make the world exist. And exactly like the organs in your body, your value is not measured by what you do for yourselves, but by what you are doing for the sake of everyone.
No One Lives Only for the Sake of Themselves
Even if you like thinking you are doing things on your own and that you don’t need any help, the truth is you have never done anything without having many partners, some overt, some covert.
And even if you like thinking that you are the most important thing, none of us exist here for the sake of ourselves, and none of us are the purpose of our existence. Each of us is a cell in the large and complicated array we call “world”, and the purpose of each of us is to serve this world, whether we are aware of it or not.
It is always cooperation between the subjective and the objective, between the personal and the shared, between the individual and the general, between the “I” and the “us”. And it is always cooperation between me and you even if we don’t know each other at all. Everything you do affects me somehow, and the other way round, everything I do somehow affects you.
The Connection that Makes Wonders
Whether we feel it or not and whether we have no clue about it, we are all connected around one joint goal: to provide this world with all its complex systems. The transportation systems, security systems, economy systems, infrastructure and construction systems, we are all their consumers and we all pay for them, and that is how we enable their existence and benefit from them.
Once we realize that, a few wonderful things happen: we feel that our own little and temporary individual existence is a part of something great and eternal, we feel our existence has such great value the world could not have been complete without us, and we feel strong passion to serve the world more and more, this way feeling how valuable we are.
We all come from the same history of separation from one another, and of nurturing the self as the center of the universe. Out of this joint thought grows the egocentric norm of each for his own, the “I” reality, a reality in which everyone thinks the world was created for them and that the world be run according to their values and needs. It is a reality of depression, hostility, suspicion, violence, crime and drugs which we all come from, which we all created and which makes us all miserable. And this is the reality we are all familiar with.
But the word is changing its frequency, and without us knowing, we transfer from the “I” reality to the “us” reality, from a reality in which each is for his own to a reality of one for the other. The new reality will also make everyone feel the world was created for them, but at the same time they will feel it was created for anyone. A new history is beginning.